Selasa, 11 Maret 2008

Marriage Life Before And After

Before marriage,
Darling here...darling there...
After marriage,
Baling here...baling there...

Before Marriage,
I die for you...
After marriage,
"You die, up to you..."
Lagi lama maried,
You want to die, i help you...

Before marriage,
You go anywhere... I follow you...
After marriage,
You go anywhere up to you...
Lagi lama marriage,
I go anywhere, better go without you...

Before wedding,
You are my heart, you are my love...
After wedding,
You get on my Nerves...

Before wedding,
You are sweet and kind just like Cinderella..
After wedding,
You are worse than Godzilla...

Before wedding,
Roses are Red, Violet are Blue. Like it or not i am stuck on you...
After wedding,
Roses are dead, I am blue. You get all my head i will sue you...

Before wedding,
Evey makan, he bring to you to Sharing-La...
After wedding,
You want to go, he said you wait-La...

Before wedding,
She looks like Anita sarawak...
After wedding,
Don't know whether katak or biawak...

copy...paste...nih...enjoyed yall.................!!!

Senin, 10 Maret 2008

Forgiving is Smart for Your Heart


Some days have bumps in them. You can get a bump on your knee or on our heart. Theresa broke Sarah's new pencil. Theresa says she didn't mean to, but Sarah feels sad. James didn't pick Ben for the team. Ben is mad at James.

Sarah and Ben could hold on to their hurt feelings. They could stay sad or mad. But they could also make another choice. They could let go. They could forgive.

FORGIVING is good for happy living. Your heart knows how to forgive. When you do it over and over, you even get better at it.


The word GIVE is inside in the FORGIVE. Giving and forgiving are a lot alike. When you said, "It's okay," to Jasmine, you are giving her a gift. That gift is letting go of what she did or said. You give away your reason to be mad or hurt.

Forgiving does not mean that nothing happened. You know you could make Jasmine feel bad for what she did. But you want to help her to feel good and be good. You want to give her a new chance.


Hurting people who hurt you may seem fair. But it really just keeps the hurt going. It traps both of you side a dark cloud of bad feelings. Forgiving opens your heart, so you can let out the hurt and let love shine in.

You can decide to go of your mad feelings. You can wish the other person well. You can pray for him. You can show him by your own good choices, how to be a good person.


When you forgive, you don't pretend that nothing happened. You really did want Alexis to invited you to her party. You wanted the coach to let you play.

But you decided to forgive. You choose to let go of your her at feelings. You hope Alexis has a nice party. You cheer your teammates on.

You may never know why other people made they choices they did. They may never say they are sorry. Either way, you are free-free of the pinched bring to your heart.


People can hurt each other without even meaning it. Maybe the coach wanted to put Luis in the game, because he hadn't gotten a chance to play yet. Maybe Alexis didn't invite you because it was a family party.

If someone bothers you or hurt you, it's okay to let them know how you feel-in a kind and calm way.

The other person might explain why she did what she did. This gives you the chance to took at things through her eyes. Different people can see the same things very differently.


Forgiving doesn't mean you won't ever get hurt. Just as you can't stop the rain from falling, you can't keep from being hurt sometimes.

When someone hurts you, think before you do anything else. Ask your self : Why does it hurt? How much it hurt? Often, like the rain, it's only a sprinkle. You know you'll be fine soon.

If it hurts a lot, you need to do something. Tell other person to stop. If he doesn't stop, then leave. Ask someone bigger and wiser for help. Don't spend time with people who hurt you. you can be forgiving-and still walk away.


What if you are the one who messed up and needs to be forgiven?

Sometimes, people will tell you to say, "I'm sorry." You've probably said it at times when you didn't mean it yet. It's okay to say it anyway, because your mind and heart can catch up later. But you have the power to say it and mean it at the very same time. You are not giving in or giving up-you are giving love.


Admitting a mistake is hard. We like to be right. But no one gets it right all the time. think about all the things you do well every day. maybe you helped set the table without being asked. Or you were nice to the new kid at the bus stop.

There may be something you will never well. Mistakes and mess ups help you decided what to skip and what to keep in your life.


There are places in the world where nobody will be the first to forgive. And so the people to keep fighting with each other.

when you forgive, you bring peace to your heart and to those who around you. If everyone in every neighborhood everywhere would be forgiving, we could put an end to fighting and war. Forgive...and help bring peace to the world!

Sumber : Care notes for kids by Carol Ann Morrow

Kamis, 06 Maret 2008

How Can I Quit Smoking?

why should i quit smoking?

Smoking cigarettes tops the list of major risk factors of our no.1 killer-heart and blood vessel disable. In fact, almost one-fifth of death from heart disease are caused by smoking. The long list of diseases and deaths due to smoking is frightening. Smoking also harms of thousands of nonsmokers who are exposed to cigarette smoke, including infants and children. If you smoke, you have good reason to worry about it's effect on your health, your loves one and others. You could become one of the more than 430,000 smoking related death every years. When you quit, your reduce that risk tremendously.

is it too late to quit?

No matter how much oh how long you've smoked, when you quit smoking, your risk of heart diseased and stroke starts to drop. In time your risk will be about the same as if you never smoked!

how do i quit??

step one
~ List your reason to quit and read them several times a day.
~ Wrap your cigarette pack with paper and rubber bands. Each time you smoke, write
down the time of day, how you fell, and how important the cigarette is to you on a scale
of 1 to 5.
~ Re wrap the pack.

step two
~ Keep reading your list of reasons and add to it if you can.
~ Don't carry matches, and keep your cigarettes out of easy reach.
~ Each day, try to smoke fewer cigarettes, and try not to smoke the ones that aren't

step three
~ Continue with step two. Set a target date to quit.
~ Don't buy a new pack until you finish the one you're smoking.
~ Change brands twice during the week, each time for a brand lower in tar and nicotine.
~ Try to stop for 48 hours at one time.

step four
~ Quit smoking completely. Throw out all cigarettes and matches. Hide lighters and ashtrays.
~ Stay busy. Go to the movie, exercise, take long walks, go bike riding.
~ Avoid situations and "triggers" you relate with smoking.
~ Find healthy substitutes for smoking. Carry sugarless gum or artificially sweetened mints.
Munch carrots or other or celery sticks. Try doing crafts or other things with your hands.
~ Do deep breathing exercises when you get urge.

what if i smoke after quitting?

It's to hard to stay a nonsmoker once you've had a cigarette, so do everything you can to avoid that "one." The urge to smoke will pass. The first 2 and 5 minutes will be the thoroughest. If you do smoker after quitting:
1. This doesn't mean to you're smoker again-Do something now to get back on track.
2. Don't punish or blame yourself-tell your self you're still a nonsmoker.
3. Think about why you smoked and decided what to do next time it come up.
4. Sign a contract to stay a nonsmoker.

what happens after i quit?

1. Your senses of smell and tasted come back.
2. Smoker's cough goes away.
3. You will digest normally.
4. You feel alive and full of energy.
5. You breathe much easier.
6. It's easier to climb stairs.
7. You're free from the mess, smell and burns in clothing.
8. You feel free of "Needing" cigarettes.
9. You'll live longer and have less chance of heart disease, stroke, lung disease and cancer.

Sumber : American Heart Association

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